Be the Cream

Original post: April 10, 2021.

Thank you, MH. ♥️

Things got tough when I was away in Florida. Not only was I trying to comprehend the loss of my dad, I was trying to deal with family who were also trying to comprehend the loss of him as well.

The day after my dad passed, I was frustrated. I felt left out. I felt controlled. I felt alone even in the presence of others. I shared my frustration and sadness with my friend who was far away. He said:

Life is all about hurt. You rise above it.

Think of the ocean and the big waves. If you are in the middle of the waves things can be rough and tough. But when you are riding the top of the wave, life is smooth and fun.

Same wave. Different experience.

At times we will be in the middle of a wave. That is inevitable. That is where you are now. But with your gifts and God-given talent, you will rise above.

Since I was in Florida on the Bay and Gulf, he couldn’t have used a better illustration.

Later, when I entering a situation where I knew the possibility of being hurt was relatively high, he texted me with this:

You are the cream, remember that.

I texted back a “ ? ”.

Cream always rises. It may start at the bottom.
Just like life, the good stuff rises above the bad. Try to be the cream in life.

If you are extra special, be ice cream.

I said, “I’d like to be extra special.”

Yes, you are.

I cannot even explain how the positiveness of one person, one person who truly cares, can change your hour, your day, your life. He knew exactly what I needed and it wasn’t ridicule. He knew the details of my situation and he could have told me that I’m 60 years old and to grow up. But he didn’t. This conversation will be with me forever. It was simple, yet ever so meaningful. And I so appreciate this man.

Be the cream. Rise above the chaos and let it be. Life is full of hurt. Don’t let it keep you down.

And if you are extra-special, be ice cream.♥️


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