🎶Walking in a Springtime Wonderland…🎶

I could hardly believe my eyes when I let Nyx outside this morning. In fact, I had to slip on my rubber boots and I grabbed my phone. It was so beautiful outside! There was much more snow than when we went to bed last night and the sky was pink right where the sun was waking up. The trees were heavy with snow and everywhere I looked was just magical.

As I drove to work, I stopped three times along the way to take it all in. It was breathtaking.

The weather was quite confused today. The sun would shine, then dark clouds filled the sky. It would sleet. Then the sun would return. Soon it was snowing with huge flakes. The sun came out again to prove that it was truly spring, but the battle continued between the sun and clouds throughout the day. After a bit, I called my coworkers to the front window and the sun was shining bright and all the snow was gone. Spring returned and everything was a bright green. Now here at home, the sun is out, yet it is snowing the tiniest flakes.

a beautiful sunrise

I froze all day long but I wrapped up in a sweater and had a heater on under my desk to keep my feet warm. I teased my coworkers that we should play some Christmas music. They didn’t care for that idea so much. I think I could have listened to it. But then again, I have been known to start playing Christmas music in July.

Winter gave us one last blast of beauty. My pictures just don’t do it justice. I’m ready for spring now. I hope the cold and snow didn’t do too much damage to the delicate new growth.

Farewell winter. It’s time for you to go now. See you in about eight months. ♥️


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