Make Time

Time. I’ve written about it before. And I’ll probably write about it many more times. Everything runs on time until we run out of time.

Time is of the essence.

Time out.

A waste of time.

Good time.

Outta time.

Changing time.

Me time.

Time on your hands.

Mommy time.

Killing time.

What time is it?

Spend time.

A horrible time.

Race against time.

Matter of time.

Time to bloom

A lovely time.

Nick of time.

Time limit.

Ahead of time.

Behind the times.


Make time.

Making time for the things (and people) that really matter. That’s what I’m talking about.

Anything worth caring about is worth the time. Anything worth loving is worth the time.

So why do we find excuses to take time away from those important things? Does it take too much planning? Too much energy? Have too many other things that need attention?

Be stronger than your excuses.

I read that somewhere recently and it really hit home with me. We never run out of excuses, but we always run out of time. I know that firsthand.

It always hurts to run out of time

Appreciate time. Use it wisely. We make excuses to why we don’t have time to do important things, yet if we are honest with ourselves, we will make time for exactly what we want to do. It doesn’t always make sense to how we spend our time. Sometimes we use it foolishly. But at the end of the day it would be nice to go to bed without any regret.

May I offer a few suggestions?

Spend time with God.

Visit an elderly neighbor.

Lift up a broken heart.

Call your dad.

Teach children an appreciation for nature.



Cuddle a baby lamb.

Pray more.

Write letters to shut-ins.

Allow yourself to fall in love.

Oh…and call your dad again.

All of these take time but they will give you so much more in return. You cannot put a price on quality time.

Time is precious. Use it wisely because time waits for no one. ♥️


Photos: taken today, outside of my workplace

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